Felipe Carazo
World Economic Forum
Felipe currently serves as Head of Public Sector Engagement for the Tropical Forest Alliance house in the World Economic Forum. In his role, he has served as creative strategist for the Alliance to shape multi-stakeholder engagement processes that connect, influence and mainstream soft commodity deforestation-free practices into public led policy discussions and processes. Previously he served as Executive Director of Fundecor, a ‘think tank’ that has been instrumental for his native country, Costa Rica, to develop and implement sound forest positive practices. While leading Fundecor, he served as top-level advisor to the Government of Costa Rica. He has also worked at The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with diverse sustainability strategies across many contexts. This has included overseeing a vast portfolio of knowledge sharing programs and projects in Central America, Mexico, Peru, Morocco, Indonesia, Madagascar and the UAE. He holds a bachelor's Degree in Biology from the Universidad de Costa Rica and a master’s Degree in environmental management from the Nicholas School of Environment, Duke University (USA), with a major in Resource Economics and Policy.
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