Brazil soy - Supply chain data

Years available: 2004-2022

Data last updated: 28 Jan 2025

Brazil soy - Supply chain data

Understanding the variables

Find detailed explanations of each variable in our dataset

Year of commodity trade
Name of the biome according to the IBGE classification where the production municipality is located
Name of the country where the commodity was produced
The Forest 500 commodity score of the exporting company. The Forest 500 score ranks companies according to the strength of their sustainability commitments between 0 and 5
Zero-deforestation commitments (ZDC) are obtained by Global Canopy’s annual assessment which determines whether the exporting company (exporter_group column) has a commitment to zero deforestation in their supply chain (net or gross deforestation are both acceptable). For more details plase refer to the full methodology document
Satellite image of commodity fields

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How to cite

To cite this dataset, use the following format

Lathuillière, M. J., Suavet, C., Biddle, H., Su, N., Prada Moro, Y., Carvalho, T., & Ribeiro, V. (2022). Brazil soy supply chain (2004-2020) (Version 2.6) [Data set]. Trase.

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